no, but i wasn't around long enough to play them back then.
How does this website still exist
Age 32, Male
Smart Ass
Somewhere in time
Joined on 1/30/07
no, but i wasn't around long enough to play them back then.
You can still play them, if you go to a flea market or something:)
Or just buy the Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube or PS2. It has all of the classics on it. :3
This made me not wana buy mega collection VM-l2Oku4
I hate it when they mess with the origanle copys
Then again it wouldn't hurt.. just incase something happens to my genisses or the copys of those games
but which one is it? I know there are severial sonic collections: like sonic and knuckles collections, and sonic gems.. I'm too confused..
Which vertion of the collection is the one with all my favorite old sonics.
did you ever beat the first
No way! its hard.... you try beating it
hay wyatt do you still hate my wii :3 even though i can download sonic games to it
No! you go to hell! :3 you still have to buy them, with your money might I add. Muwhahaha
yes no WHO FUCKING GIVES A SHIT! (spaz attack over)
Dude, your like... being a douche
Only if you don't still own and PLAY THEM regularly. And I don't mean on a Collection game for gamecube. I mean on the GENESIS.
I usealy play them, I may go play them right now in a muinute... They are just so additcing you know:D!
By the way, thanks for the comment!
of course not, they're great :)
NO!!!!! WAY!!!!
NEVER! The dact that you love them being 14 speaks really good from you. You are capable of loving old things, even with consoles like the xbawks out there. THUMBS UP FOR J00!
No, of course not. I love them, too, although I love Sonic the Hedgehog 2 the most. :)
Its pretty cool ehen you use sonic and knuckles- lets you play as knuckles on sonic 2 (as well as sonic 3). Ha, now I think im going to go play sonic 2! XD