i don't know how your examination system works, so i'll say.... er... good?
How does this website still exist
Age 32, Male
Smart Ass
Somewhere in time
Joined on 1/30/07
i don't know how your examination system works, so i'll say.... er... good?
I hope man.. I hope
I've always hated tests...
Your not alone, but they are there to test your ability...
Studying and (or) cheating helps
:D I'm glad to know you're feeling better baby. I really am doing the best I can, and I think I have enough to go on to see if anything will be done. Keep your fingers crossed, and I also wanted to say that I'm glad you are confident about your test. I have faith in you and I believe you did a bang-up job. *huggles tight* <3<3 I miss you foxxeh, and I hope to see you online again soon before I have to go. *smooch* Love ya babe! <3
I miss you too wolfeh, i hope too see you online soon...
And thanks for all your help <3
What were you guys thinking?
Look, all I have to say is,
can I buy some pot from you?
brackass, our town brackettville thats how we got our name
whats it too ya?
I will be online as much as possible tomorrow and any other time you need me. i'm always here for you and I will always try to help you <3 what else are wolfehs for...(other than the obvious...yiff! lmao) But seriously you're closer to me than anyone else online or otherwise, and I want to let that relationship grow. *hugs you tight* Until we meet again, love. Goodnight and sweet dreams.
<3 always...
Kaly im getting on right now so i can talk to you, i realy hope your on....
<3 I Would love nothing more than for this relationship to grow too.
<3 forever
besides, i never pay attention in class anyway XD
Haha, lol crazy XD
Ha! Exams blow, I just got done takeing them too. lol. Nice job, you'll probabily be in 9th grade again next year. lol see ya.
I hope not, i dont wana repeat freshmen year D:
my exams were easy.....
What grade you in anyway?
i think you will do a well-done but not the best job. But then again, i don't know you, at ALL.
I probably did alright