haha niice! hope to hear from you soon babe. <3
How does this website still exist
Age 32, Male
Smart Ass
Somewhere in time
Joined on 1/30/07
haha niice! hope to hear from you soon babe. <3
^_^ kalyon, i missed you im getting on mesanger ;D
Hey wyatt we hav'n talked in a while, but I need your help, I need to make a biogragh page for my Madness flash, if you can help me I will re pay you pack
It has been a while illing XD what happened? lol
and i'd be happy to help bud!
hey man. I kinda forgot about you there for a while. >_<
hows life?
Damn, Id help, but I got alot to do for Elite 4, so, ill try to get some time, ill talk to you on X fire, when you get on. Later Man!
thanks, if I just send you the characters I want in the Biograph, and set up the menu and send me it back throw email, Ill make shure you get FULL credit and your name on a wall, send me a messaegd throe email on NG if thats okay???
im bored right whats up with now.
im back from my absence
hey im watching youtube video while on ng is that cool or what!!!!!!!!!!!!!
brutal XDDD hahaha i do that too