Yea I know, I've been missing. I get alought of pm's, instant messegase and sometimes emails from people i havent talked to in a long time (all from here) asking me where i had gone too.
I don't hang around newgrounds much, but i check my page and my account once everyday. And i should start voiting again, i should be at level 20 now XD
anyway people have told me about alought i missed, includeing collabs i was supposed to be in XD ones i didint know i was in to begin with.
I havent touched shadowman lately but instead my take a break to come up with ideas to contuine it with and yo' lol
I still have high hopes of getting a flying V guitar (dean) due to dean's low prices that don't skip on quality. for a while i thought of getting the ml like this one guy i hang out with, but changed my mind, Im not a dime fan, so ill go with the V. pfff i dont worship dime, i worcship dave mustaine XD
Anyway im usealy on messanger (
or on deviant art, the room i help mod and own is #chaosrevealed if im not there tell dia-sama-no-kitsune and he'll tell me to get on, or hang out in my megadeth room #megadeth its usealy empty except for me (personal room)
and with tha im off
im still vary active...miss you.