Well im sure you all know I LOVE panning v-cam across backgrounds, such as a video or documentary dose as it flys through an entire landscape.
Anyway From some youtube fad I feel like doing a collab for Supermario 64, with each level being panned through sycned to the background of that stage much like the credits in the game.
Idk why, but I do better when it comes to syncing adio, plus my flashes seem to come out alought better and realy tickle the pleasure centers of everyones brains.
In my therory, I belive the reason for this, is due to how people get so into thier music. Lets say some visual add "animation".
The human brain Looks for patterns and cannot stand anything in disorder, Its why you see faces and objects when you look up at the clouds. Its why you see faces on walls, in shadows and on otehr objects.
Why do you think when you hear random notes on a guitar you start getting pissed off.
You see the brain looks for patterns in everything, You may see someones face on a tortila, you may see jesus in a stain on the rug.
It all has to do with your brain and why I try to sync as best as i can. It makes people like your work phycologicaly
Anyway ill add more details when i have what i want sorted out
I will not help :3
Oh kornrox you never help ^^ <3