Well right now, Im makeing art for my friend (in real life) xXFaYdXx and also im working with him and my other good friend (who i also hang out with) burrito15 on our "Life of the Un-educated Productions movie, we are going to animate our selves.. just chilling out and exchangeing words.. Saying things like: your mom has a dick XD..." Un-educated productions is our 3 man animation crew we have just started, Scince we see each other at school every day... Im the head animator, xXFaYdXx also animates and burrito15 Gives me ideas and some voice acting.. Withought Burrito15 there wouldn't have been a flunk-combat 6 which scored a 3.04! xXFaYdXx's First movie to get past jugement "flunk-combat bootcamp" scored a 2.80 (all graphics mine)...
My other (yes another) freind in real life, also with an account: smilinvic, had made a truibute to my series too 8D, "create a flunk", scored a 2.03! Smilinvic is always whanting to make a flash with me, then Calls me racist and we never make one lol...
Beside that, I'm going to be working on a "sprite" flash with fox4729... hes newer to flash then I am, so I realy whant to help him get a kickstart on newgrounds..
Besides that, I will help and or do art for free in your flash movies! so pm me if your interested..
Man I usealy never type this much..
Signed: wyatfilms of the "Un-educated production"
did I already tell you that im a satanist?
Nope you didn't... Not that it bothers me.