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Thrashocutionist @Wyattfilms

Age 32, Male

Smart Ass

Somewhere in time

Joined on 1/30/07

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Sketch up

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 9th, 2007

Sketchup is a free program you can modle in for free DUH.

Any way every ones been talking about it and finaly my friend (we are doinga flash together as soon as everything is sorted... hes from deviantart...)

Well he wanted me to get sketchup and told me its a "must get", mainlt because you can use all 3d graphics you make in flash!!!!

He made this awsome 3d ship in space, and he dosent know anything about flash, talk about handy little program!!!!! (downside, the swf was a hard 64mb XP)

Well i thought it would be appropriet to play with it, first i tried to make an ar-15... [fail]

So i earased it and starded again, trying something more simple... An uzi and well, it wasn't bad... Still havent finished it but it looks quit snazzy!!!

I highly recomend getting it before someone else dose, its free DUH, "googlesketchup"

here a screen of the uzi i havent finished

Sketch up


Freaking Sweet. The Uzi looks great, let me go and check out the program. =)

I cant wait to add a barrel!

Then I shall model the ar-15


Oh i should try makeing a 3d flunk!!!

YYYEEEEAaaaHHHHHH, good luck with the flunk? I guess? Syke, you can do it, might take a while though. =)

lol, i hope you do well too! ^_^

i use 3DSMax, but i don't have it installed currently :/

lol, just sitting on the old desktop huh?

So, how much does it cost?

Its freeware, though there is a pro vertion availible, not nessasary though

Guns don't kill people, the dangerous minorities do.

That is so true, not to be racist

I should have a try at this.... mabey insert 3d guns into a madness flash. its not impossible. I've seen it done before.

good luck, you can also downalod other peoples gun art, and trust me they blow the shiz out of most game graphics today!

heh, it's somewhere hidden beneath my 2TB of Yi... er... "Movies" and "Stock Reports"