soon my friends.. soon
How does this website still exist
Age 32, Male
Smart Ass
Somewhere in time
Joined on 1/30/07
date man, DATE. (as in time, month day, not the weird way)
I hate giveing dates due to nobody ever gets it out on time
oh shit, it's about to get awesome in here.
XD yes, it is TheJamoke
Loooks great
Thanks illing :D
looks nice
Thanks man, do you have any prodjects comeing out soon?
yeah my madness bosnia is out wach it !!!!
XD its funny the way they move
i just fived you, ill keep doing it until your back to 1.5, your on your own from there, i got your comment, and i am sorry
O.O it whent lower D:
how soon?
as soon as its done, but pretty damn soon