With my old assistant trashed i need a new one for my new flash (i hope on completling)
A tribute to shadowman, because nobody esle is going to do it :\...
yea i know i didnt name the symboles and they are all movie clips.. its not my fault, when i started i didnt think itd be good enough to make into a full flash.. so thats kinda why, but i never name symbles, for some reason i newver needed to ^^; but any way
I sent a few PMS to people who showed interest in the "assistant" position and i am awaiting a respones ;)
Hello kittykrew, yes this is wyattfilms and yes im trying to register
whos shadow man? sounds fun :P
Its a horror action advernture game that had came out on N64 Playstion dreamcast and PC
Sold millions, alought of people played 3mins and gave up but i beat it