For some odd reason i rememebr that name cini.. whatsa who-dong.. anyway i remeber unpleasantness for some reason
For some odd reason i rememebr that name cini.. whatsa who-dong.. anyway i remeber unpleasantness for some reason
its a 3 movie
OMG that was funny and a very good flash let me say!
graphics wise evry origanle. like how it was semi like squiggle vision to show movement 8D
Voices and the music very well synced along with quality
not bad at all
Good pivot, bu tsince its pivot i still see choppiness.
I thought it was stole at first due to the hypercam, curse hyeprcam to hell!!!
No it's not stolen :P, and I added a notice about that in the description after I read this, so thanks for pointing that out.
Not bad
The nintedo one is dead, this would have been more exceptable 20 years ago.
Sprites where baddley edited and sprite bonderies where present alought.
There was no orgy (thank god)
The sprites where mostley stretched and resized, no realy animation
i personaly thought it was fun and or "Funny" to watch, diserved mabey alittle bit of a high score
The backgrounds you did consisted of flashes pre-depth color skeems
not good, not bad addicting
Eh, this was made about one and a half years ago. I'd probably be better at animating n shit if i still had it.
With some time
Okay thats my friend irl below this comment Me and him do flash together and if you make fun of a flunk tribute, And call it madness "shit" that pisses me off. YOu know what, Atleast MY series "flunk-combat" has severial tributes out there which isnt easey to obtain.
Okay I love war flashes with soldiers.
Animation was below basic, graphics on the troopers where pretty good but movements where not. The car basicaly moved, BLINKED across the screen.
People who are shot do not take 6 seconds too fall down
I will say this its pretty good for a beginner but not realy enough for anything over a 2 and i hope you get better at flash.
Don't be such a dick to reveiwers if the yhave a point, he didn't curse you out or anything so "STFU"
and its flunks not madness D:<
Well, you're a much better reviewer than your friend. I Wouldn't have bashed him if he actually gave a good reason for his score.
Not bad
It could be worst, i actauly laughed alittle, don't see why otehr found it so bad o.o
your voice was alittle low >> as if your doing this late at night
yep i did it at 10pm and i was tired :(
I love freaky stuff like that, realy put forth the immageination, i gave it a 5 and faved it! :D
Hey thanks alot. I'm really into erratic storytelling, I don't like to be conventional, and I had to try ESPECIALLY hard because I was using someone else's generic characters. Luckily Krinkels is a great guy and he enjoyed me messing around with things he'd already established.
Animatiojn i thought was humarous BUT the voiceacting realy through me off there bud... XP wait tell you hit puberty brfore you try acting
i didn't do the voices, that was dustygorilla, i felt he did a good job though, it was funny :)
How does this website still exist
Age 32, Male
Smart Ass
Somewhere in time
Joined on 1/30/07