I give it a 10 for animation and style
I do not rate 10 because I liked it.
It fit the Japanese anime intro style very well, but towards the end it started to get alittle ridiculous. Such as way too many characters running together at once.
That and you should work on thier walking abit, mabe have them slowly moveing forward to look more like they are running. Then again that may not work with the style.
Well anyway, another thing its alittle to long to be an intro, cut it alittle lower.
It feals to long to be an intro, they run towards the end pretty long and each time it changes to a short clip of character spinning/possing it has to switch back to the running and show that character joining the group.
What turned me off is that you started adding other, unnecessary pokemon (cant stand pokemon) Then you had alittle robot thats legs hardly move scamper across with alittle man standing on it.
Your animation and style fitting is very good, but work on your walk cycles and planning.