
35 Movie Reviews w/ Response

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You know, hating emos is just another Mainstream deal, much like hating something because everyone else dose.
The only people the really can hate them is people who dislike their music. Mostly Punk/metal. Try animating rather than Bad rants, use motion tweens and less bitmaps.

WolfandDemo responds:

there wasnt a single bitmap in the animation you stupid faggot, i did use motion tweens in the beginnig, you obviously dont use flash at all.

I give it a 10 for animation and style

I do not rate 10 because I liked it.

It fit the Japanese anime intro style very well, but towards the end it started to get alittle ridiculous. Such as way too many characters running together at once.

That and you should work on thier walking abit, mabe have them slowly moveing forward to look more like they are running. Then again that may not work with the style.

Well anyway, another thing its alittle to long to be an intro, cut it alittle lower.
It feals to long to be an intro, they run towards the end pretty long and each time it changes to a short clip of character spinning/possing it has to switch back to the running and show that character joining the group.

What turned me off is that you started adding other, unnecessary pokemon (cant stand pokemon) Then you had alittle robot thats legs hardly move scamper across with alittle man standing on it.

Your animation and style fitting is very good, but work on your walk cycles and planning.

flyboy42 responds:

It was service to the forum users, if I didn't do it, they would all complain, no offense guys.
It's only 30 seconds longer than the original OP
And those are the soviet pokemon, a strange group that started in MHQ, I don't think they all love pokemo

Already been done

I swear dude, I wish some of you authers would relise how gay these things are.
Seriously, this is the 15th naurito flash I've seen in the portal that pays no relevance to anything! It's always, and ALWAYS characters from the show singing or dancing to numa numa or "what is love" or some other over used song. Its extremely unoriginal and getting old. As much as I hate naurito, atleast make something that ties into the show instead of showing off how much "you know thats other watchers dont" from the cartoon. The animation is pretty chopy, I can see you used 12 fps, increase your frame rate, work on the eyes of your characters (they where rather large). Try working on something different, Naurito's been bleed to death.

If I was you, I would ignore all the 12 yearolds reviewing "OMG THAT WAZ AMAZING LOLO!!!!" and stay clear of a part two, theres no real scence. 1's enough especaily since this movie is just random tweens

Tahadation responds:

Didn't realise some people found it that annoying. I suppose your right now that I think of it.. I'll try to work on something more original

Oh wow

This wasn't made to be gay guys it was made to be just for lols, kinda like some of the tankmen parodies.

Anyway your aniamtion was slightly choppy, your cartoon likeness drawing skills and face'al expression where flawless XD.

It was pretty well synced but could have been exicuted alittle better along with mabe high quality adou.

Work alittle on your animation and syncing and you'll have it down.

BTW i am not useing this comment as a responce to al the negitive ones but morly help this movie get some better crit rather than useless and abusive comments :P

Slipziq responds:

at least you got it! and thanks :)

Im sorry

Why do people keep submitting stuff like this with the ententions to get NG users mad? realy and then put stuff like "REVIEW IF YOUR GAY" in the comment box.

Im not trying to back seat mod, but this is alittle ridiculus since its going to sit in the dusty corners of NG takeing up bandwith

Im sorry but we submit stuff to NG as art, art that we made. Not movies like this thats submitted to look cool infront of spammers or just to get underdog awards...

Gaizka responds:

You really are a stupid little boy.

Not so awesome invaders

Theres alought of better awesome tributes out there.

The voices just turned me off on this, luckly the animation was very smooth.

If you write a better script and have better voices (along with more sponteneous screaming) it will'd be pretty close to the real awesome movies

DAGamesOfficial responds:



Reviews go by this.

You offer constructive crit on flashes and if you don't or just say "thats cool"

then people will mark the review as useless and if enough people do mbot deltes them.

This wasnt realy a flash just abunch of screen shots and bitmaps scroling around with a v-cam.

I dont think many other have the same fealing as you do.

imakethebestmusic responds:

Well if you say "thats cool" then its a fucking review. Also, what if you think it is the best song of flash ever?

"This wasnt realy a flash just abunch of screen shots and bitmaps scroling around with a v-cam."

you feel really special for mentioning the V-cam.


Let me say this so no missunderstandings

portal demons 0 everything in judgement and the portal spirits 5 everything

Afterwards portal demns go back and 5 anything that diserves a high score.

Along with that portal demons and portal saviors keep a list of all spam and junk flashes that we go back and vote 0 on tell its blammed. helping to save our beloved newgrounds.

Lets face it stupid stuff gets by judgement (flashes that are just a pic with dicks drawn on it)

We try our best to destroy these movies and protect real movies.

I am the clan leader of the portal spirits, i am the portal savior.


You traced alought of bitmaps, but it looked nice and actulay seemed realistice

some tween and the character hurt the mood but anyway its improvement burritos lol XD good job.

I like the music too aswell!!!

burrito15 responds:

Yeah I know! Thanks! But I did this all in one day! :)


I hated it at first but the radnomness finaly got me and i liked it.

Dude did you realy make that with kool moves??? DAMN

you have talent

it was alittle blurry, could have worked on that

Trevor987 responds:

thank you, but koolmoves is more easy than other animation program. i think...
thanks for be the only to like my animation.
the blurry is a error of Koolmoves, to fix chance to low C.

How does this website still exist

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