My quest for rock always has its ups and downs
My real life teacher has always been a dick too me and... he failed in a guitar battle with his rival... A pop player... beat my death metal teacher... *tears*
So i refuse to be taut by him anymore
I currentley have a tiny burswood amp 12 watt, a digitech death metal distortion stomp box, and a FAB chorus.
Axe wise a firstact me508 and a vintage charvel/jackson cx291 (strat copy)
I wish too play metal and im not picking these guitars out... i worked and worked for a v... i had enough money.. but then i was handed a used strat copy (dont get me wrong its worth about 1500, and is better than the actual stratocaster) but its just... it need a humbucker, idk a symoure duncan strat rails which i plan on getting along with a capo, strings (boomers XL) and a pickup for my accoustic (first act)
At this time i was working on a pedal board but i dont realy need many pedals anymore, the chorus and DM ditsortion are fine
idk heres a pic of the new one i googled, and a price i found
---Peace out and stay metal
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