How does this website still exist

Thrashocutionist @Wyattfilms

Age 32, Male

Smart Ass

Somewhere in time

Joined on 1/30/07

Exp Points:
10,166 / 10,670
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Vote Power:
7.23 votes
Staff Sergeant
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Wyattfilms's News

Posted by Wyattfilms - July 15th, 2008

Burrtios has made temp bages for portal savors,

I will be leaveing this sunday for a few weeks. twilightfox will be dipositin gfor me.

sunglasses i have failed to deposit for you. plz forgive me ;_;

Also on another note me and a friend are starting a deathmetal band :P

Posted by Wyattfilms - July 14th, 2008

I'm leaveing this sunday going to be gone a few weeks withought any form of internet connection.

Sunglasses im terribley sorry I could not complete surrogate depositing for you :(

The bandges will not be done tell mabey a few more days. worst of all my rank wil be at the same. :\

Luckly i have twilightfox to deposit for me ^^

anyway bye bye :\

Posted by Wyattfilms - July 11th, 2008

Hello we've started our clans

The portal reapers/saivors and noble voters

To join/learn more about our clans please see my poster here

This was a clan made by me and 2 friend i have irl who love newgrounds as well.

I know i know "if you vote 5 on all judgement movies spam will get through!!!!"

Thats okay, the reapers will make sure that its blammed shortley after

Portal savior members: (clan owner wyattfilms)

Portal deamon members: (clan owner burrito15)

portal preachures clan memebers: (clan owner smillinvic)

I shall make badges soon as burritos did for his along with a flash for us

While your at it here a list of spam movies you can 0 plz

Posted by Wyattfilms - July 7th, 2008

I am currentley doing a full scan repair of my compy due to a virus i recieved from a flash in the flash portal.

Some wierd bill nie adventure vid. which is nice knowing i can have my pc ruined just by watching movie in the portal. yea realy fucking nice to know

Posted by Wyattfilms - June 28th, 2008

Need a 44 yearold soldier voice, deap voice

Need a possesed deap course voice

and quick chop chop

Posted by Wyattfilms - June 27th, 2008

Well fuck me upside down standing... All out of inspirtaion!

Urg... well Mabe I can finish shadowman hopefuly and then flunk combat 7... infact i think i will mabe... hell i dont know

Posted by Wyattfilms - June 24th, 2008

My quest for rock always has its ups and downs

My real life teacher has always been a dick too me and... he failed in a guitar battle with his rival... A pop player... beat my death metal teacher... *tears*

So i refuse to be taut by him anymore

I currentley have a tiny burswood amp 12 watt, a digitech death metal distortion stomp box, and a FAB chorus.

Axe wise a firstact me508 and a vintage charvel/jackson cx291 (strat copy)

I wish too play metal and im not picking these guitars out... i worked and worked for a v... i had enough money.. but then i was handed a used strat copy (dont get me wrong its worth about 1500, and is better than the actual stratocaster) but its just... it need a humbucker, idk a symoure duncan strat rails which i plan on getting along with a capo, strings (boomers XL) and a pickup for my accoustic (first act)

At this time i was working on a pedal board but i dont realy need many pedals anymore, the chorus and DM ditsortion are fine

idk heres a pic of the new one i googled, and a price i found


---Peace out and stay metal

/* */


Posted by Wyattfilms - June 17th, 2008

Its a start copy yes but god sakes look here this is it and heres a price on it... you will shit yourself OMFG

Posted by Wyattfilms - April 9th, 2008

Yea I know, I've been missing. I get alought of pm's, instant messegase and sometimes emails from people i havent talked to in a long time (all from here) asking me where i had gone too.

I don't hang around newgrounds much, but i check my page and my account once everyday. And i should start voiting again, i should be at level 20 now XD

anyway people have told me about alought i missed, includeing collabs i was supposed to be in XD ones i didint know i was in to begin with.

I havent touched shadowman lately but instead my take a break to come up with ideas to contuine it with and yo' lol

I still have high hopes of getting a flying V guitar (dean) due to dean's low prices that don't skip on quality. for a while i thought of getting the ml like this one guy i hang out with, but changed my mind, Im not a dime fan, so ill go with the V. pfff i dont worship dime, i worcship dave mustaine XD

Anyway im usealy on messanger (wyattfilmswyattfilms@yahoo.com)
or on deviant art, the room i help mod and own is #chaosrevealed if im not there tell dia-sama-no-kitsune and he'll tell me to get on, or hang out in my megadeth room #megadeth its usealy empty except for me (personal room)

and with tha im off

Posted by Wyattfilms - March 27th, 2008

Im going to bail off the net for a while, may be able to cache me on massanger from time to time.


(when i get my keyboard back i'll work on shadowman dome more)