How does this website still exist

Thrashocutionist @Wyattfilms

Age 32, Male

Smart Ass

Somewhere in time

Joined on 1/30/07

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Wyattfilms's News

Posted by Wyattfilms - March 23rd, 2008

Hello kittykrew, yes this is wyattfilms and yes im trying to register


Okay hahaha You sleezy mother fuckers, i was interested in joining the kk

And its bull shit don't.

You have to sit through a nasty video you'll regreat watching, after that you basicaly sell your soul away to them, then after that you have to draw a "cock pillow"

then uplaod it somewhere and present it to them

I did all that and more and you know what?

Its a fucking joke they play on you, you don't get in...

When you think its all well and done you can not submit your registration, every time you od it will say "you are not allowed to post on this forum"

What a loud of shit

normaly i have a sence of humar but this was ridiculus.

I did all your penis torture registraition and it was all a joke.

thank you for keeping me up all night with nothing to show for it. Bite me

- wyatt

Posted by Wyattfilms - March 18th, 2008

With my old assistant trashed i need a new one for my new flash (i hope on completling)

A tribute to shadowman, because nobody esle is going to do it :\...


yea i know i didnt name the symboles and they are all movie clips.. its not my fault, when i started i didnt think itd be good enough to make into a full flash.. so thats kinda why, but i never name symbles, for some reason i newver needed to ^^; but any way

I sent a few PMS to people who showed interest in the "assistant" position and i am awaiting a respones ;)

Hello kittykrew, yes this is wyattfilms and yes im trying to register


Posted by Wyattfilms - March 5th, 2008

burrito15 has been a dick and useing me for my computer, generly asking me to do stuff as a favor then later telling me i didnt have to do it after begging me too...

I am permentaley removeing him from any flashes in the future and im not asociating with him in any way irl

Fuck you burritos your lucky i didnt kick your ass right in the fucking streat, stay the fuck away from me...

Posted by Wyattfilms - February 23rd, 2008

soon my friends.. soon

We've waited so long for this....

Posted by Wyattfilms - February 21st, 2008

Well im working on what may possibley be the last and awaited part 7 of flunk combat, this time fallowing the hero again rather than number 6's look into the enmeiys eyes

hope to get it doen soon :3


Posted by Wyattfilms - February 9th, 2008

I had worked on flunkcombat the stand with doondeka..

saddley he wanted it submitted realy early... and his part.. sucked

mainly his character randomly looked at my dead characters :\

he screwed up the scync and it was so bad i deleted it...

Now i have to finish the next 3000 frames myself since, only i can get my image of it out done correctly

in other new my birthdays next week and for a present i get a "digi tech deathmetal distortion peddle" plus a $30 dollar cable D: too bad my hands busted so i cant play

other than that expect me working om the stand, have a good life

Posted by Wyattfilms - January 28th, 2008


Well I'm going to do it, finaly get a game done if the guys on this prodject stay with me on this...

Its a game too flunk-combat, mainly to fallow the story line, 2d-side scrolling shooter, Now while waodraiders works with a few scripting along with 7isunlucky i hope to get this done right...

I have a third possible programmer (mmmlolipops) if i can get in touch with him, but besideds that i have wazzitooya on gun graphics

I cant give anymore info at this time, due to this is still in the works

Posted by Wyattfilms - January 25th, 2008

Well this is just crap...

This week I almost lost the internet, and I had all this catch up work in school...

But now my damn guitars (real guitar) whammy bar broke..... After five munits of nothing -_-

This burswood is basicaly falling apart piece by piece

Plus that i have lost like 5 pics this week, and that i havent gotten anywhere in any flash prodject i have...

And my being gone off the net for a while has gone off with a land slide of messages/email and pms i need to answer...

Not to mention my friend has hooked up with the girl i liked irl...

Posted by Wyattfilms - January 16th, 2008

Well it's not what i had expected...

I had gotten on devaintart mainly to use as a web site and showcase other things i've made besides flash...

I did just that and people liked what i had to show, funny giggles to WOA thats a creepy scretch wyatt!

well Im damn proud, and in only a 2 months existence on there i already have 1,100 page views and a gaggle of many friends...

I'm getting severial hundred page views a week and i am pretty proud of myself also people seem to like the pics of me... Besides c+ flashes im finaly not restricted anymore, and i can finaly go back to funny pictures and drawling again :D!!!

if you get the chance stop by my page sometime :3

Posted by Wyattfilms - January 13th, 2008

I know its a little late, but here we go..

(i was alice cooper)

Hollowen I wanted to be something real, some one that had stricken fear in the dreams of many wee little ones, that somebody was alice cooper, know for his "schools out for summer, and no more mr.nice guy"

I realy got into his music lately, and have no regreats...

Anyway this is a late pic from holloween scanned from burrito15's cell phone... it came out all grainy and scarey by accidnet and its the best accident ever.

Any way just another pic of me to point fingures at, and if i could i would look like that everyday

Me from holloween