How does this website still exist

Thrashocutionist @Wyattfilms

Age 32, Male

Smart Ass

Somewhere in time

Joined on 1/30/07

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Wyattfilms's News

Posted by Wyattfilms - January 11th, 2008

Well I havnt posted in about... a few weeks huh?

any way I'm still at it on guitar and im quite enjoying myself

also starded on a new flash and hopefuly I'll get it done soon

Don't know what else to say but... meh

Why not add me on myspace?

OH also stuffedlizard made me a fursona and looks awsome, realy catches myself link

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 30th, 2007

Well me and the other guy who brought you Flunk-combat 6

Are pleased to tell you guys that we are working on a Lugies haunted Mansion parody!

Art by Burrito15

Animation by burrito15/wyattfilms

Story burrito15

Gags/jokes wyattfilms

Voice acting wyattfilms/burrtio15 and some actaule game sounds

XD I'm sure you guys will likez it :D

Its going to be submitted under burritos profile, All we have done so far is some char art, We are still tennising ideas back and fourth so keep checking back for updates

<3 <3 <3 Hope to see you soon kalyon ^^ <3 <3 <3

BTW i found some links useing my movies that I never realy submited to..

Some ones whoreing my movies out!

... I've waited for this momment for so long...

Flunk-combat 7? WTF I haven't even started on that part yet O.O

How the got ahold of my flunk game i'll never know

Advertisieng part 5

I got youtubed, someguy submitted my old flash "lugie gets high" on youtube XD

Flash In progress

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 17th, 2007

made my own edit of the newgrounds free preloaders, not to flashy, but it gets the job done...

Its an animated one.... too bad you guys cant see it ><

Hi kaly! <3 you ^_^

well, i finaly went and did it

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 15th, 2007

Do you guys wonder what mr.wyatt looks like?

wonder no more, this is a pic from back in the day... mabey last year? yea it was last year

Are you ready?

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 14th, 2007

No im not dead, i was busy with school exams

Well exams are over and done with XP, now what do you guys think?

how good (or bad do you think you did?

Im pretty sure of myself, its just i never realy paid much atention in that clas XD.... i realy should <:(

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 9th, 2007

Sketchup is a free program you can modle in for free DUH.

Any way every ones been talking about it and finaly my friend (we are doinga flash together as soon as everything is sorted... hes from deviantart...)

Well he wanted me to get sketchup and told me its a "must get", mainlt because you can use all 3d graphics you make in flash!!!!

He made this awsome 3d ship in space, and he dosent know anything about flash, talk about handy little program!!!!! (downside, the swf was a hard 64mb XP)

Well i thought it would be appropriet to play with it, first i tried to make an ar-15... [fail]

So i earased it and starded again, trying something more simple... An uzi and well, it wasn't bad... Still havent finished it but it looks quit snazzy!!!

I highly recomend getting it before someone else dose, its free DUH, "googlesketchup"

here a screen of the uzi i havent finished

Sketch up

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 8th, 2007

flunk 4.5 will be a bonus movie in flunkcombat bio

hope you guys enjoy, there are a million differnt flunk info and art you have never seen before...

I cant wait to release it.. but it still needs "monster" work

hopefuly with the help of "wazitooya" this will glide through the portal smoothly... heres a screen!


Posted by Wyattfilms - December 6th, 2007

With esp 4.5 nere completion, Number 7 (set for 2008) has too fallow....

and for the 7th and final eps of the season, Changes must be made for possibley the "final episode"...

Graphics are going to be updates and refurbished... With the help of wazittoya, who did the military m1-tomson as seen being held...

Any way im not letting out any story, new characters ect, except to any one whos working with me on this prodject...

Here's some concept art... Well I hope this comes out as good as I plan... I would realy like to end this seires with a bang...


working on a war flash game, with this other user, should be nice

Well, good run

Posted by Wyattfilms - December 3rd, 2007

My good friends stuffedlizzard is make a Flunk-Combat movie! His graphics just blew me away!

Also if you ever has watched my demo for 4.5, smilinvic re-did the flickering light for meh! :D

about the picture i drew:

Well, Ive been playing Castle wolfenstien for a few days and i'm tired of the damn axis always killing me and my squades... every time!

so i disided to make a spin off: castle foxenstein

the soldier in this is me, man i love my new "private" rank!

The best part of this agme is thats its FREE! 3d! and online!

Return to Castle: Foxenstein

Posted by Wyattfilms - November 30th, 2007

Mabey im gana work on some flash movies.. .you know... pass the time, already have a few unfinished prodject buzzing around...

well im not posting yiff any moar.. mabey unless people talk meh back into it.

My good friends stuffedlizzard is make a Flunk-Combat movie! His graphics just blew me away!

Also if you ever has watched my demo for 4.5, smilinvic re-did the flickering light for meh! :D
